

2024-05-18 09:07:08
# 全日制考研培訓(xùn) # 考研公共課培訓(xùn)


考試年度:2021年    考試科目代碼及名稱:613-英語水平考試(自命題)  

適用專業(yè):050201 英語語言文學(xué)


一、 Gap Filling 選詞填空(從列表的單詞中選擇合適的詞完成段落/非Cloze選擇填空)(30題,每題1分,共30分)


cautious   truly      distinguished   copies    faring     told       another    respectable    era         discouraging        vary    reap     numbers    flocking     worth     match      claim      invoked     that       contrast       perform      resistant       rest          gentler     generous    translation     single    imperialism    hunger       enthusiastic

The world is   1   getting smaller. Americans are embracing, indeed driving, a new 2     of global trade and recreational travel, jet-setting from one international time zone to   3   ; we are communicating across borders by e-mail, surfing the Web for foreign news and   4     to see foreign films. It stands to reason that American publishing must also be primed to  5     the cultural bounty of a vast world literature, quickly and competently translated into the English language. Right? Well, not exactly.

Truth be 6   the figures for translations from foreign languages into English are   7     . Of all the books translated worldwide, only 6% ---- and that is considered to be a  8     estimate ---- are translated from foreign languages into English. By 9     , almost 50% are translated from English into other languages. In a typical week, at least half of the top-10 bestsellers on Amazon.com in France and Germany are books in 10   ; on the U.S site, a recent scan showed not a   11   foreign name on an extended list of 24 top sellers. And that’s par for the past decade.

Some midlist titles show   12     sales, but more often than not it takes validation on the level of a Nobel Prize to ratchet  13   up into the solid five-figure range. It is possible to argue that translations  14   on more or less the same level as similar English titles. Knopf senior editor George Anderou points out that Kwasi Boachi is “a first, quite literary novel, so if one could be assured of selling 7,000 copies of such a book, even if it weren’t in translation, I think it would be 15   doing.” Nevertheless, there is no getting around the fact that sales of translation in this country do not  16   sales of English titles abroad. Why are U.S. readers and publishers so  17   to literature in translation? Some chalk it up to cultural   18     . Several writers   19   there is a certain arrogance on the part of British and American publishing houses, which consider anything published in another language to be automatically  20     . English is, in practical terms, the most important language in the world today, and whether imperialism is  21   or not, that reality has a certain effect on American publishing. Still, many target a less pragmatic, more culture-specific kind of solipsism. “America is just frighteningly different from the 22   of the world,” says Barbara Epler, editor-in-chief of New Directions. “We are really Disneylanded beyond belief.” Translator Peter Constantine’s take on the situation is  23     . “We in America are a little bit  24     -- publishers are cautious about what they bring out…. Here the public does not seem to have the  25   for translation that the European market has. ”

It is difficult to say whether things have changed much in recent years --- opinions  26   , and statistics are hard to come by. Drenka Willen, a senior editor at Harcourt believes that there’s been an upturn in the past seven or eight years, with even poetry in translation 27   better. Robert Weil, executive editor at W. W. Norton, is downright     28   about foreign translations. “So few publishers are involved   29   you can publish the work of superb overseas writers. It’s an embarrassment of riches. We, as American publishers, ignore  30     works that can be very commercial. But you have to know what you’re doing.”





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