
400-029-09** 400-029-0997 轉(zhuǎn) 36011


2019/10/26 14:21:52



Some people believe that certain old buildings are more worth preserving than others. What types of old buildings should be preserved? Do you think the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?


In everyone’s hometown or city there are usually buildings which have historical significance to the locals or to the wider community. I think it is very important to maintain these for future generations.

The question remains however, should all old buildings be preserved, regardless of cost? Recently, the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris caught fire and very quickly millions of dollars were raised by public donation for its preservation and the rebuilding of the damaged areas. At the other end of the scale would be the concrete apartment blocks from the 1950’s and 1960’s which are showing their age and are becoming unfit for human habitation. While they could be renovated at a fraction of the cost of rebuilding the Cathedral, planners are more likely to knock them down, and rebuild.

And yet, some concrete apartment buildings are protected as examples of an architect’s vision and art. They are valued as being important examples and historical markers of human endeavor just as the Cathedral is. Nevertheless, this does not mean that modernization and new building should be discouraged at the expense of renovating and protecting heritage buildings. I believe that such buildings can be protected in tandem with progress and new build while also teaching us something about our past.

In conclusion, Notre Dame teaches us that it is very important to protect and preserve old buildings despite the disadvantages of cost. The historical advantages of such endeavors are manifold and not least that we can enjoy their beauty for many years to come.

254 words


regardless of (something) : Without respect to or influence from something else.

Regardless of your preferences, the decision belongs to your father and me.

catch (on) fire : To begin to burn, usually after being touched by an existing fire.

I was sitting too close to the fireplace and my sleeve caught on fire!

architects (noun): One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other large structures.

heritage building: a building possessing architectural, aesthetic, historic or cultural values which is declared as heritage building by the Planning Authority/Heritage conservation committee or any other Competent Authority in whose jurisdiction such building is situated.

in tandem: Occurring or acting simultaneously or in conjunction.

The tax changes are coming into effect in tandem with several relief schemes for lower-income families.

manifold (adjective): Many and varied; of many kinds; multiple: our manifold failings.


  • 獨(dú)特的雅思口語


    2019/10/26 14:21:26











